This house dates from well before the famine as it appears on the original six-inch OS maps. It was most likely built by Timothy Sexton (G2) and was originally a single storey dwelling. An upper storey – or more accurately a raising of the roof level and installation of dormer windows – was completed probably sometime around 1910. At least six generations of Sextons lived in this building and at least seven generations farmed the land on which it stood. The house and farm were purchased by Mort O’Shea (brother-in-law of Con/Neilie Sexton) in the early 1970s and he lived there with his wife, Pam, and children Kerry, Kim and Noreen until about 1985. It is currently owned by Mrs Clodagh O’Meara who completed an extensive yet architecturally sympathetic renovation.

The current house has several additions including a prominent sun-room at the front of the house but the house is essentially the same as it has been for generations. The two separate out-buildings are modern and replace the original out-buildings which were used for animals. Maps indicate that a separate house stood immediately south of this house – probably across the open yard. This house appears to have been occupied by the Sextons of Lot 7 who would have had to walk to farm their land which was a few fields away to the south. No trace of this house remains. This Sexton family built a ‘new’ house on their land quite close to the school house. That house is still standing and in good condition though it in no longer occupied.